

Learn about approaches to address and mitigate displacement often linked to brownfield redevelopment, including increasing affordable housing, protecting tenants, promoting community ownership, and stabilizing neighborhoods. Each strategy includes an example that can be applied to communities undergoing brownfield redevelopment.

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Key factors influencing gentrification, particularly in the context of brownfields redevelopment, are important to identify risks of displacement. Neighborhood changes can be assessed through indicators related to economics, demographics, real estate, and the built environment. By recognizing and tracking these indicators, we can better understand displacement risks, which is essential for raising awareness and developing effective mitigation strategies. These can be used to assist brownfields practitioners in analyzing current conditions, identifying areas at risk for displacement, and monitoring changes over time. You may find more information on the Roadmap to Inclusionary Redevelopment Guide Series: Part I.

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The accompanying Data Resource Guide provides a step-by-step approach to collecting and utilizing data from the tools and indicators outlined in Part 1 of the Roadmap to Inclusionary Redevelopment Guide Series.

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If you are preparing for an EPA Brownfields Grant make sure to address how your proposed plan is planning to mitigate unintended displacement. You may use our factsheet to inform your ideas about neighborhood changes, displacement risks, and actions you can take as a brownfields practitioner to mitigate those risks.

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